Traffic & Parking Regulations
The Parking Services Office at Monroe Community College is committed to providing employees, students and visitors with efficient customer service and solutions to meet the parking needs of the College community. The rules and regulations that have been established are to help maintain a safe and orderly parking environment. The MCC Parking Services Office is responsible for the enforcement of these rules and regulations to facilitate organized parking and safeguard members of the College community. Customer service and the safety of the college community is our top priority.
The New York State Motor Vehicle and Traffic Law is also in full force and effect on the campus. The Monroe County Parking Program establishes fees and fines for parking on the campus.
All motor vehicles parked on lots owned by Monroe County and held in trust for Monroe Community College must be registered with Parking Services, or park at a parking meter.
Driver Responsibility
Finding Authorized spaces
- Drivers are responsible for finding an authorized parking space. Please refer to campus maps if you are unsure of where to park.
Parking Registration
- Parking registration signifies an individual has been granted the privilege of parking on campus property.
Multiple Vehicles
- All vehicles that may be driven to campus would need to be registered on your "My Parking Account". Multiple vehicles under your "My Parking Account" may not be on campus at the same time
Parking Regulations (Vehicle subject to ticketing)
In general, it is prohibited to park:
- without a valid vehicle parking registration except at designated student parking meters.
- in reserved spaces without the proper parking registration/authorization.
- in "NO PARKING" areas.
- in a handicapped space without a valid handicapped permit displayed.
- blocking fire lanes, fire exits or within 20 feet of a fire hydrant.
- in loading zones unless actually loading/unloading with proper authorization.
- on the sidewalk, crosswalk or parking lot driveways.
- on campus roadways except at unexpired meters (non-metered spaces require proper vehicle registration/authorized location or area).
- on or over painted lines in parking areas.
- outside of striped parking stalls.
- at an expired meter.
- in areas where parking registration is not valid.
- in the administrative/visitor's lot if you are a registered student or an employee without an assigned space.
- in any area in which the parking of the motor vehicle may impede ingress to or egress from any building by any pedestrian or authorized vehicle.
It is also prohibited to leave a vehicle on campus between the hours of 12 am and 6 am without authorization from the Public Safety Department.
Adding additional vehicles for students as your own vehicles is forbidden.
The Department of Public Safety is authorized to restrict use of parking spaces on a temporary basis to accommodate special meetings, activities or construction.
You are responsible for parking violations on all registered vehicles listed on your "My Parking Account" during the current semester.
Vehicle Operations
No vehicle shall be operated:
- at a speed in excess of 30 miles per hour, or where otherwise posted at a speed in excess of such posted speed limit and/or
- in a reckless or careless manner or a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing and/or
- with disregard to any traffic sign, signal, and/or pavement markings and/or
- on any sidewalk, pedestrian walkway or lawn.
Effective September 2003, a Fine-Based Violation of the Vehicle Traffic program was implemented. Penalties for these violations were established and are detailed on the Violations webpage.
Parking for Persons with a Disability
- Disabled college community members with mobility impairment should contact the Parking Services Office (Building 21, Room 140) by calling (585) 292-2700 to discuss special permits and specific parking instructions.
- Handicapped parking is restricted to the exclusive use of vehicles displaying a valid handicapped permit and a valid parking registration (unless parked at a meter). Unauthorized vehicles are subject to ticketing and towing at the owners expense.
Please refer to the "Parking for Persons with a Disability" page for information on accessible parking.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 21, Room 140
Mon thru Thu: 8am to 4:30pm
Fri: 8am to 3pm
(585) 292-2700
Fax (585) 292-3873