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Certificate Program

Department:Public Safety Training Center

School(s): Applied Sciences & Technologies

MCC Program Code: EM02
CIP Code: 51.0904
NYSED Code (BRI): 21707

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This certificate is designed for students interested in preparing for entry into the emergency medical services field and to prepare them academically for progression to the level of paramedic. Students will be able to seek to obtain certification to as a New York State Emergency Medical Technician after completion of EMS 110. Students will prepare themselves for work in the EMS field with courses regarding EMS management. MCC is recognized by the Department of Health as an authorized sponsor of EMS Certification Programs.
(Housed in PSTF)

Program Learning Outcomes
1) Perform a comprehensive patient assessment
2) Deliver medications according to protocols
3) Deliver life-saving interventions according to protocols
4) Manage patient care while providing safe transportation to appropriate facilities
5) Communicate effectively with a variety of audiences which could include: patients families/friends or other public safety and medical professionals

Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource:

Requirements for Program Entrance
Required Pre-requisite(s). Elementary Algebra with Geometry (or Math 098 at MCC).

Distribution Requirements

Credit Hours
FIRST SEMESTER: 12 Credit Hours
ENG 101 College Composition OR
ENG 200 Advanced Composition
EMS 110 Emergency Medical Technician 6
SPC 144 Communication in Crisis3
Total 12
SECOND SEMESTER: 12 - 13 Credit Hours
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychological Science 3
BIO 133 Human Biology3
MTH 150 Survey of Mathematics or higher 3
Total 12-13
*PROGRAM ELECTIVES: 3 - 4 Credit Hours from:
ASL 101 American Sign Language I 3
BIO 132 Laboratory to Accompany Human Biology 1
BIO 134 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
BIO 144 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4
CHE 100 Preparatory Chemistry 4
EMS 141 Operational Management for EMS 3
EMS 142 Administrative Management for EMS 3
HED 115 Death and Dying 3
HIM 104 Medical Terminology 3
MTH 160 Statistics I 3
PEC 253 Stress Management 2
PPE 170 Introduction to Sport Medicine 3
SPA 141 Spanish for the Health Professions 3